CARE Panel



"Join the CAREPANEL! Together we improve avalanche decisions."

The Center for Avalanche Research and Education (CARE) at UiT the Arctic University of Norway wishes to follow 10 000 people for 10 years in order to gain knowledge about how we make decisions in avalanche terrain, and what we can do to reduce avalanche fatalities

The carepanel is a ten year long study where we follow people that venture into avalanche terrain. In this study we would like to follow as many people as possible to learn and understand what people know, how they evaluate risk, how they make decisions, how values and attitudes impact decision making for the better or worse.

As a big thank you for your participation we are building the carecommunity. You find this on this webpage. This community is open for all participants and here we will invite you to live events like webinars and courses. We will also create educational content and podcasts that is exclusive for you as a participant. Our goal is to make it a no-brainer to participate. 15 minutes of your time each year is all it take to open the door into the community.
You know, we depend on you! Care seek to develop new knowledge that in turn can improve decision making for all of us. Without you we get nowhere.

9 out of 10 fatal avalanche accidents are triggered by the victim or someone in their party. By improving decision making we may save lives.
Many of the important questions on the impact of human factor is difficult or impossible to answer by normal studies. By following a large number of people over time we are able to understand how education or experience impact people’s perception of risk and their following decisions. We are also able to track the impact of education or experience and compare people with different levels of skill or experience.

The carepanel consist of three parts.

1) The introductory survey. Here we ask all participants to fill out a recruitment survey where we would like to know who you are, what you know and how you perceive risk and make decisions. This survey is updated yearly so that we can track changes over time. This also allow us to compare groups with different levels of experience, education or skills.

2) The GPS survey. We will invite the participants in the carepanel to log their trips with and provide us with a GPS track of their trip. In addition we ask people to answer a few questions for each trip. This allow us to learn about peoples decision making and risk perception on an individual trip. The GPS track is then run through a terrain model and compared with the current avalanche condition from the warning service This enable us to create a rough estimation of objective exposure under the current conditions. Combining participants answers from each trip with their objective exposure enable us to understand how subjective risk compares to objective exposure to avalanche risk. By combining trips over several seasons this also provide us with an understanding of how peoples use of terrain change with experience and education.

3) Special surveys: We will also use the carepanel to invite specific groups into single studies. Here we could compare people with different types of education or people with first hand experience with avalanche accidents to people with no such experiences. This allow us to answer questions on effect of avalanche education or experience.

We seek people with all levels of education and experience. We want to include all groups of people that venture into avalanche terrain. Like snowmobilers, skiers, hunters, ice-climbers, kiters. We are just as interested in professionals as in beginners. It does not matter if you are a highly experienced skier or a newbee. We will only include people above 18 in our analysis.

By registering you will be asked to fill inn a recruitment questionnaire that takes about 15 minutes to complete. Later you will be invited to update these questions once every year and answer a few questions about your experiences the previous season. We will also invite you to take part in the GPS study and maybe other special studies. You do not need to accept our invitations and are free to withdraw from the stuy at any time.


Information to participants

The CARE panel targets all backcountry users who are 18 years or older, and who engage in activities that take place in avalanche terrain. 

The carepanel is a collaboration between CARE and Naturvårdsverket in Sweeden.  

What does it mean to participate?

Registered participants will receive emails with links to surveys a few times per season. We may also invite registered participants to take part in other types of studies that focus on avalanches.

Participation is always voluntary and participants can leave the panel at anytime. 

Your rights

As long as it is possible for us to identify a participant in the data, the participant has the right to ask us to delete, correct, or send the information that we have on the participant to the participant. If a participant would like to access or delete his or her information, s/he can do so by contacting CARE via email. No reason is required. 

Data security

All informatioin given to us by participants will be stored in accordance with UiT regulations and NSD guidelines. All data is treated confidentially, and we will never forward identifiable information to third parties. Participants' data will be encoded and stored securely with to-factor authentication access. We will keep the data until 2034. After this the data will be anonymized.

How we use your data 

All data collected by CARE will only be used for scientific research. In order to contribute to good scientific practice, we will make anonymized data available to other researchers (for example via UiT Open Research Data). We will only publish completely anonymized data. It will never be possible to identify individual persons from the data.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the CARE panel surveys, other studies by CARE, or about your data, you are very welcome to contact us:

Audun Hetland (

Andrea Mannberg (

If you have questions about your rights as a participant or have comments on how we collect and/or store data, you can contact NSD –Norsk senter for forskningsdata AS:


Phone: +4755 58 21 17.


What does it mean to participate in the CARE panel?

Registered participants (CARE panelists) will receive emails with links to surveys a few times per year. Participation is always voluntary. If you do not want to participate, you can just ignore the emails. You can leave the panel anytime you want. You can read detailed information about what it means to participate under "Information to participants".

What do I have to do to become a CARE panelist?

As a first step, we ask you to fill out a short registration survey. In the survey, you will be asked questions about your experience, training, and preferences. Just click on the link or use the QR code below. 

The recruitment for 2022/2023 will start in late October 2022. If you provide your email below, we will send you the recruitment survey when we launch it. 

Provide email address


The CARE panel project is currently in the recruitment phase. We will update this page with information about our findings continuously. For now, let Andrea tell you what human facor is - seen from an economic perspective. And feel free to read about research at CARE on the main CARE webpage. 

Research at CARE

Our people

SKREDPODDEN - et dypdykk i ulike tema

I over 50 episoder har vi dykket ned i ulike tema om ferdsel i skredterreng. Vi har samlet episoder i egne spillelister som dekker tema som kammeratredning, førstehjelp, skredvarsel og beslutningstaking, risiko og skifilm med flere. Spillelistene blir automatisk oppdatert når vi legger til nye episoder.

Du finner skredpodden der du hører til podkast. Lengre ned på siden finner du også flere av episodene som film, samt foredrag og presentasjoner. Skredpodden er produsert av CARE og VARSOM og er nedlastet over 100 000 ganger

Skredopplæring - spilleliste

Det å lære seg skredfaget er krevende. I denne spillelisten finner du tema som både kammeratredning, førstehjelp, hvordan forstå og bruke skredvarsel og mye mer.

Fornuft og følelser - spilleliste

Vi mennesker er ikke roboter, vil lar oss både påvirke og styre av egne og andres følelser, motivasjon og opplevelser. Å forstå risiko er heller ikke rett frem. I denne spillelisten finner du episoder som fokuserer på den menneskelige faktor.

Utdanning - spilleliste


Det er flere måter å lære seg skredfaget på. Nordtind utdanner tindeveiledere. I denne spillelisten ser vi på utdanninger, hva de innebærer og hva de gir deg. 

Skifilm og risiko - spilleliste på skredpodden

Hva gjør skifilm med de som ser på og hva tenker de som lager dem?
Dette har vært et tema flere ganger i skredpodden og vi har snakket med ski og brettkjørere som Nikolai Schirmer, Krister Kopola, Asbjørn Eggebø Næss, Finn Hovem, Eirik Verlo og Robert Robertsen. Vi har snakket med redaktør i FriFlyt Henning Reinton og forsker Tommy Langseth. Du finner alle podkastene i spillelisten over. 


As a big thank you we want to give something back. We are therefore bulding a CARE community, which you will find on this page. We are currently working flat out to build content - so check back with us shortly. 

Here you will find webinars, live events, live interviews with interesting people where you can also ask your questions, scientific presentations, special edition podcasts, video versions of some of the podcasts, information material. If you have a good idea to what we should make let us know what kind of content we should create for you (Google Forms)

In the meantime you can check out the 2022 CARE panel report, and our popular podcast "Skredpodden". You find it whereever you listen to podcast. We have 20 more episodes in the making so stay tune.

Skredpodden S4 EP2 Menneskelig faktor - skredforedrag på Chateau Neuf med Audun Hetland



Skredpodden S2 EP6 Krister Kopola - det går fort i bratte renner på snowboard

I denne episoden av skredpodden snakker vi med Krister Kopola. Du har kanskje sett Krister i flere skifilmer. Han er blant annet med i skifilmen Wavy:

Felles for de gangene du har sett Krister er sikkert at det går fort i bratte renner.  
Hvem er han og hvordan kom han dit han er i dag - og hva er planene fremover. 


Skredpodden S2 EP3 Hva vet vel vi? En samtale om risiko i snøkledde fjell

Vi snakker ofte om risiko i skredterreng. Om å beregne, risiko, håndtere risiko, kalkulere risiko. Men hva er egentlig risiko? I denne podkasten får du høre andre del av skredseminaret som ble holdt på DRIV i Tromsø 1. desember 2021. I forrige episode kan du høre Markus Landrø sitt innlegg om risiko i skredterreng. I denne episoden får du høre den påfølgende panelsamtalen. I panelet sitter: Nikolai Schirmer, Mads Gilbert, Markus Landrø og diskusjonen er ledet av Audun Hetland



Skredpodden S2 EP2 Risiko - hva er nå det?

Vi snakker ofte om risiko i skredterreng. Håndtere risiko, vurdere risiko, kalkulere risiko. Men hva er egentlig risiko? Den 1.desember holdt Markus Landrø et foredrag om risiko på DRIV i Tromsø. Her snakker han om risiko i skredterreng fra en statistisk, pratisk og filosofisk synsvinkel. Etter foredraget var det en panelsamtale som du finner i episdoe 3 av skredpodden.



Skredpodden S2 EP1 Forskning på menneskelig faktor er viktig og vanskelig

I denne første episoden av sesong 2 av skredpodden snakker Audun Hetland og Andrea Mannberg om forskning på menneskelig faktor. Hvorfor det er både viktig og vanskelig. De går gjennom hva som har skjedd i CARE - og ikke minst hvorfor vi trenger carepanelet. Carepanelet er et ti år langt studie hvor vi vil følge 10 000 personer. 



Skredpodden S1 EP1 Skredvarselet - hva er det og hvordan kan jeg bruke det?

Skredvarselet er en viktig informasjonskilde for de som skal inn i skredterreng. Men hvilken informasjon finner jeg egentlig i det og hvordan kan jeg bruke det. Og hva kan jeg ikke bruke skredvarselet til. I denne podkasten snakker vi med Heidi Bache Stranden og Markus Landrø




Webinar med Markus Eckerstorfer (NVE/ om Nysnø som skredproblem.

Webinar med Bjørn Kruse (IFMGA) om kunsten om å finne god snø. 


Vitenskapelige presentasjoner

Her finner du et utvalg av våre vitenskapelige presentasjoner som vi har gitt på konferanser eller skredseminar


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